Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Post 10
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Post 9
When I registered for EME2040 it was only because this course was a required prerequisite for me. Otherwise, I honestly would never have considered signing up for it – mainly because I am terrible with computers and therefore do not like them. But, after a semester of being in the class I must say that I have learned a lot about computers, the different programs available on them, and the Internet. I can easily see myself using a great deal of what I have learned quite frequently outside the class. I already had a basic idea of how to use Microsoft Word and Power Point but I learned so much more than just the basics in class and I feel like I can really create something amazing now! I also really enjoyed learning how to use Excel because I had never even attempted to use it before, but I had always been curious about it. I think you did a great job teaching the class, you certainly kept it entertaining while educational with your dorky jokes [I like them] and you always encouraged class participation which I think is also very important. I also appreciate the time you took to find extra videos on certain things we were learning – they helped slow learners like me to catch on! The only bad part about the class was that it was almost three hours long and yes you provided us with breaks, but three hours is too long – not much you can do about that though.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
chapter 8
Chapter 8 deals with security issues, ethics, and emerging technologies in education. Objectionable materials on the Internet include racist literature and obscene pictures and videos. Computer ethics are the moral guidelines that govern the use of computers, networks, and information systems. Filtering software programs help prevent browsers from displaying materials from targeted sites or materials that contain certain keywords or phrases. Emerging educational technologies that will influence public education significantly include digital media revolution, World Wide Web, the next generation of software on DVDs, assistive technologies, Web-and video-enhanced digital textbooks, Web-based training, and wireless technologies.
In the class we learned all about how to make our own Web page. I thought that I would hate it, but it turned out to be really fun. I liked picking out my own style page and writing things on it in whatever font size, style, and color I choose. It is also really convenient to have a page with a lot of links to my favorite websites. I also like that we learned how to upload photos and files onto our page.
I thought I would hate making my own web page, but the more we do with it, the more it is starting to grow on me. I could definitely see how teachers could use something like this to relate information and assignments to their students, the students’ parents, and other teachers.
Friday, February 29, 2008
chapter 6
Chapter 6 deals technology, digital media, and curriculum integration. Technology helps teachers promote active learning and create authentic learning experiences by allowing students to conduct Web-based research, explore concepts in a digital media presentation, create a slide show [maybe as a history presentation], or a database of results [from perhaps a science experiment]. Curriculum integration is the combination of all technology parts, together with each subject-related area of curriculum to enhance learning. The best way for curriculum integration is to put technology into the hands of trained teachers, make it easily accessible, and let them decide how best to use it at the point of instruction in their classrooms. Instructional models are systematic guides for planning instruction or lessons. They help to integrate technology effectively and ensure that the technology is appropriate to the learning objectives. One example is the ASSURE Model. It was developed in the late 1990s and has since become a popular procedural guide for planning and delivering instruction that integrates technologies and media into the teaching process by utilizing a series of steps one must follow.
This week we learned how to make non-linear power point presentations. I found these to be very interesting! I had never seen them before and I had no idea that you could do something like that on power point. I think it is so cool how it is set up like a web site and once a slide is presented there are links on it to other slides [anywhere throughout the power point document] and you get to decide which links to explore first. You can be far more interactive with a nonlinear power point than you can with a linear one and although it’s really tricky to get the hang of, I think its well worth it in the end.
I don’t know much about technology in general, but I thought I knew a lot just in the aspects of Microsoft Word and PowerPoint; Nonetheless, each new lesson that deals with either of these subjects, I still find myself learning so many new tricks. I guess I always just knew enough to get by, and now I am learning a lot that will certainly enhance my presentations in the future. It is really fun to explore all the different features from programs that I have had for so long, but knew so little about!
Friday, February 22, 2008
chapter 5
This week’s assignment was on Microsoft PowerPoint. I already knew how to use it, but having to make a slideshow for a potential class made me put a much greater effort into my presentation. I tried very hard to make it both fun and educational. Since we had certain requirements to meet for the completion of the assignment, I found myself learning new tricks on PowerPoint that I didn’t even know about, like the notes section and the hyperlink and spell-check aspects of it. I also played around with clip art, pictures, background settings, and font styles and colors. It was really fun to do this assignment and I learned a lot in the process, I just can’t wait to try it out in my own classroom one day!
Because we didn’t have class this past Wednesday I thought we would get a bit of free time, but I was wrong and kind of bummed at first, but I think the way the lesson was handled was really great. Although it got a bit annoying after awhile watching those videos about power point, I did find several of them to be both interesting and educational, which is good! I am usually not a fan of the Internet-based learning, but in this case, it worked out well and I am impressed.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 is called Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. I will just highlight a few key points in the chapter. The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that link a variety of institutions to enable people to accomplish a number of tasks. Some of the services available on the Internet include access to information, news, research, and entertainment, conduct business and banking transactions, shop for goods and services, explore virtual worlds, meet and converse with people, listen to music, take courses, send messages, and access other computers and shared files. World Wide Web (WWW) is a worldwide collection of electronic documents that have built-in hyperlinks to other related documents. Search Techniques include how to use subject directories and search engines to find educationally appropriate Web sites. Search tools are those that enable users to locate specific information found at Web sites, including search engines and subject directories.
This past week we did a web scavenger hunt that required us to search on Google for various different topics that would bring us to a variety of sites. I already knew how to use Google but this search required me to find things that were more difficult than what I was used to searching for. In doing this project, I learned how to use different aspects of Google that I didn’t even know existed before. I discovered Google video search, image search, and scholar search and I found these tools to be very useful to me.
I found a really cool site when I did that web scavenger hunt that I could actually use when I am teaching. It was a website that allows you to create your own mathematical equations. That could definitely come in handy when I have to make my own worksheets and homework assignments. I also found a few other websites that actually didn’t relate to teaching, but I found to be quite interesting as well! Four of my favorites were the currency conversion site, the metric system conversion site, a website that shows a live camera of African safari animals, and this other website that allows you to pick newspapers from different countries and read them. I guess I am just really stoked on that scavenger hunt!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Post # 3
Chapter four is called Hardware for Educators; hardware includes the electric, electronic, and mechanical equipment that makes up a computer. Input devices, output devices, and storage devices are three major aspects of computer hardware. Input device is any hardware component that allows a user to enter data [a collection of facts], programs [series of instructions that tells a computer how to perform tasks], commands [instructions given to a computer program], and user responses [user’s input to a question from a program] into the memory of a computer. This includes a keyboard, a mouse, and a microphone. Output device is hardware used to convey the information generated by a computer to its user. This includes a printer, a monitor, speakers, data projectors, facsimile machines, multifunction devices, and headsets. Storage device is hardware used to record and retrieve data, information, and instructions to and from a storage medium. It often functions a source of input because it transfers items from storage into memory. Storage is nonvolatile, meaning that data and instructions in storage are retained even when power is removed from the computer.
On Wednesday, we began learning about Inspiration Software and I have found this to be the most interesting thing we have explored so far. I am a visual learner and I just love Inspiration Software because it is visual learning software that allows you to create webs, concept maps, plots, Venn diagrams, etc. that can enhance student’s thinking and learning skills. Just playing around with the software these past few days, I can see how easy it would be to create so many different maps and webs that would make it easier for students to remember the data and information on it.
I have never really liked computers very much, but as this class progresses I can’t help but be amazed at all this world of technology has to offer. I admit, I am learning a lot of very interesting things in this class and I am eager to learn more and continue being impressed.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Post # 2
Chapter 3 was titled Application Software Productivity Tools for Educators. I am going to summarize three main points in the chapter beginning with application software. This is software consisting of programs that perform specialized tasks for its users. Microsoft Office, including a word processor, a spreadsheet, and several other applications is one example as Word is used to type up reports and essays, while Spreadsheet enables us to make tables of data and information. Productivity software, another important point in the chapter, is software that helps us get the job done faster! Software like Word, Excel, and Spreadsheet help us work more efficiently and effectively. Finally, Graphics and Multimedia Software, this consists of desktop publishing, paint, and multimedia and Web page authoring software. Desktop publishing allows us to design documents containing text, graphics, and color! Multimedia authoring allows us to create electronic documents containing not only text and graphics, but also video, audio, and animation! Paint/image editing software enables us to create and modify graphics. And finally, Web page authoring is used specifically for designing and maintaining Web sites.
Since the last posting, we have been required to make a newsletter, which I found to be very fun and certainly useful in the future. I had no idea that Microsoft Word offered so many awesome tricks to make normal documents look so much better! I had a great time playing with my newsletter and inserting all sorts of different shapes and graphics, that is until it got way to crowded and I had to begin deleting a few things! I could easily see myself using all the fancy applications in Word to make my class syllabus, homework sheets, and all sorts of other documents look fun, but still professional. I am eager to continue playing with Microsoft Word and learning more about all it has to offer!
I had always thought that being a math teacher I wouldn’t really need to know much about technology, just because the subject matter doesn’t require much in the way of using computers. However, I am beginning to see how technology can easily influence my teaching. I want to be different from the other teachers, hopefully appealing to all students learning styles. I know that I am a visual learner and that just by using Word to make worksheets more fun and colorful looking, I would be more likely to remember what I see. Besides if nothing else, I have always heard that students perform better in classes where they really like the teacher, so at the very least, hopefully I can use technology as a means of relating to students and they may appreciate what I can do.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Post # 1
Chapter one first deals with the different types of computers and the standards of technology in the classroom. It goes on to discuss today’s generation as being the “digital generation” and today’s students as being “digital students.” These “digital students” are defined as being “hyper-communicators” who use a variety of tools including email, AIM, and phones to communicate, “multitaskers” especially when it involves computers, and “goal oriented” pursuing multiple goals at the same time. Another key section in chapter one is about the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) which is a nonprofit organization that promotes the use of technology to support and improve teaching and learning. As a result of ISTE, the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers was developed. It is basically the fundamental concepts, knowledge, skills, and attitudes for applying technology in K-12 educational settings. The ARCS Motivational Model, another important section, was developed by John M. Keller in 1983. ARCS stands for attention, relevance, challenge/confidence, and satisfaction/success, Keller used this model to show that if a student is not motivated, he will not learn, this concept still applies today for learning in the digital age.
I have indeed acquired new skills on the computer since the first class. I had never experienced the world of blogging until this class, and since we made our blogging accounts I have been learning more and more about this fast-growing means of technological communication. I find it very interesting that anyone with access to the internet can post their thoughts and opinions on just about any subject matter. Furthermore, we can read other peoples viewpoints and comment on those as well. Although blogging is very new to me, I am already finding it to be a fascinating and efficient means of communication, one which I could easily see incorporating into the classroom. The idea that students can answer homework assignments online and that the teacher as well as all of the students can see each other’s opinions on certain matters just makes it that much more appealing to me.
I am very excited about taking this course and becoming further educated in the world of technology. I feel like I will learn a lot of information that will benefit me now as well as in the future, and that I will learn many things that I can one day incorporate into my classroom as a teacher. In this fast paced world I feel like we must be computer savvy, so I am excited for this opportunity to learn all about it!
Post # 0
Technology, in this day and age you would think most people, especially those my age would be very computer savvy, but I suppose I am an exception. My house was among the last in our neighborhood to get a computer, have internet access, and finally switch from dial up, which we just did this summer! Needless to say, growing up I spent very little time on the computer and now, know very little about it. I can use Microsoft word and power point because it has become a necessity for most of high school work. Beyond that, I don’t do much else, although I do have a MySpace and a Facebook, but the sad truth is that I have to get my younger sister’s help anytime I want to change something on my profile.
Because I know very little about computers and technology, I am anxious to learn anything and everything offered to me through this course. I admit, I will probably be a slow learner, but given time I think I can figure this stuff out. And hopefully, I can continue to learn after this course is finished, and one day I may incorporate what I have learned into my classroom as a teacher.
Based on the first day of class, I have discovered that I am worse than I thought I was with technology, and that I really need to take it slow, especially in order to remember what I have done that day. I will probably have to ask a lot of questions, but I look forward to the learning experience.